Health Benefits of Watermelon
Watermelon is a naturally low-calorie package,” says Christina Meyer-Jax, RDN, LDN, Standard Process nutrition chair and former assistant professor at Northwestern Health Sciences University. “It contributes key antioxidant nutrients that support disease prevention and overall wellness.”
Watermelon Nutrition Facts
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1 cup of watermelon (152 g) contains:
- Calories: 45.6
- Fat: 0.2g
- Cholesterol: 0mg
- Sodium: 1.52mg
- Carbohydrate: 11.5g
- Fiber: 0.6g
- Vitamin C: 12.3mg
- Potassium: 170mg
- Calcium: 10mg
- Vitamin A: 865 Iu
- Lycopene: 6,890 micrograms
Is it okay to eat watermelon daily?
Just about 10% of Americans eat the suggested two cups of natural product each day, according to the Places for Disease Control and Avoidance (CDC). Since it’s low in calories and sugar, you can safely eat various servings of watermelon consistently without re-thinking any drawn out dietary impact — however Sollid says it’s best for your dietary health to attempt to vary the sorts of natural product you eat. Various organic products contain various supplements, so eating a variety will guarantee your body gets all that it needs.
It’s without a doubt conceivable to eat a lot of anything, including watermelon, adds Grace Derocha, RDN, CDCES, national representative for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. While it very well might be enticing to manage half or a greater amount of a whole watermelon at a time on a warm summer afternoon, specialists like Derocha say it’s ideal to eat each cup in turn as a general recommendation, rather than a whole natural product out and out.
Watermelon is considered a high FODMAP (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols) natural product, and that means it contains short-chain sugars that certain individuals have inconvenience processing, Derocha says, so it “may cause bloating or discomfort when drunk in large amounts.”
Individuals with diabetes or who may have to count their carbohydrate servings ought to also pay attention to their watermelon intake, she adds. Eating a lot of organic product could acquaint an excess of sugar with your eating regimen, leading to glucose fluctuations, which can be risky for individuals with diabetes.
Health benefits of watermelon:
1) It’s frontloaded with essential supplements
At only 46 calories for every cup, watermelon packs a punch with regards to supplements. It contains about 15% of your daily vitamin C requirements, along with a wealth of different vitamins and minerals including potassium and vitamin An and B6, Sollid says.
Vitamin C reinforces your invulnerable system and assists the body with absorbing iron, Derocha says, while vitamin An is crucial for skin and eye health. Watermelon is also wealthy in potassium, which attempts to bring down circulatory strain and supports nerve working, and vitamin B6, which assists the body with breaking down the proteins that you eat and also helps the safe system and nerve capability.
2) It offers a major portion of lycopene
Lycopene is a natural compound found in watermelon and different foods grown from the ground that has antioxidant properties. The substance is also what gives watermelon its red tone; yet past its shade, lycopene is also really great for you, as well. Meyer-Jax says it has been displayed to decrease the risk of cancer, heart disease, and age-related eye disorders. Lycopene attempts to shield your phones from damage, Sollid says, and research recommends that it may have circulatory strain bringing down effects when consumed regularly through dietary means.
3) Watermelon helps keeps you hydrated
Watermelon is made out of over 90% water. “As the name infers, watermelon can keep you hydrated,” Derocha explains. “We get 80% of hydration from what we drink and 20% from what we eat; watermelon can assist with this balanced intake.”
Most adults don’t hydrate, and hydration is particularly important in the mid year, when temperatures rise and you may lose liquids from sweating.
Meyer-Jax suggests eating watermelon sprinkled with a touch of salt after an exercise or when you’ve been sweating for an extensive stretch of time. “The combination of carbohydrates and salt is ideal for replenishing lost electrolytes and carbohydrate stores,” she says.
4) It adds to healthy absorption
Watermelon contains a high water content and a small amount of fiber. “Both are vital to keeping processing moving without a hitch,” Meyer-Jax says. Fiber adds mass to your stool and keeps you regular, while water assists move with wasting through your stomach related system.
5) It could assist with weight management
Picking watermelon over another sweet snack can assist you with feeling full longer, Meyer-Jax explains. Restricted research published in the journal Supplements in 2019 observed that subjects who were considered overweight or clinically stout and ate watermelon instead of low-fat treats experienced greater satiety, as an example. Eating watermelon daily was associated with a decrease in subjects’ body weight, weight file, pulse, and waist circuit.
6) It may further develop heart health
Research shows that devouring food varieties with lycopene may lessen your risk for heart disease and stroke. A recent report published in the American Journal of Hypertension recommended a connection between the foods grown from the ground disease, as research proposed watermelon extract may lessen pulse over a sustained timeframe. “The authors recommended that L-citrulline and L-arginine — two of the antioxidants in watermelon — may work on the capability of the arteries,” Derocha proposes.
7) It could attempt to lessen cancer risk
Lycopene found in watermelon may lessen inflammation and oxidative pressure, an imbalance between free radicals (the unstable atoms that the body delivers naturally, which can cause ailment) and the body’s ability to battle their effects. Constant inflammation can raise your risk for certain diseases, including cancer, and research shows that lycopene has the potential to lessen inflammation and hold cancer cells back from developing, which decreases your risk for the diseases. Studies have featured that increasing your lycopene intake can diminish your risk for cancers of the gastrointestinal system and prostate cancer.
8) Watermelon may assist with lessening inflammation
A particular combination of antioxidants, lycopene and vitamin C, found in watermelon can bring down inflammation and oxidative damage over the long haul, Derocha explains. Inflammation can cause enlarging, pain, or flushed skin for those encountering it. And persistent inflammation can lead to difficult circumstances, including cancer, asthma, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.
9) It’s great for your skin
“The water and vitamins A, B6, and C in watermelon assist your skin with staying delicate, smooth, and graceful,” Derocha says. Vitamin C lifts collagen creation, which further develops skin elasticity and blood stream to the skin. And vitamin An assists repair with cleaning cells, forestalling dry, flaky skin, while vitamin B6 assists with skin breakouts.
Lycopene can play a job in shielding your skin from the sun, Derocha adds, making it doubtful you’ll get a sun related burn. Be that as it may, it certainly doesn’t mean you ought to avoid the sunscreen, she emphasizes; it’s crucial to regularly apply your decision of SPF.
10) It may alleviate achy muscles
A small report published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that athletes who drank watermelon juice saw decreased muscle irritation for as long as 24 hours. The juice also assisted bring down their recuperation heart with rating. Researchers connected watermelon juice’s ability to alleviate achy muscles to its L-citrulline content, which is an amino acid that assists with decreasing muscle damage. Although scientists need more substantial proof to affirm the degree of this advantage, this connection could push you to consider adding watermelon juice to your post-exercise routine everyday practice.
11) Watermelon seeds and skin are nutritious, as well
While eating new watermelon, the vast majority adhere to the red or pink tissue. Be that as it may, you can eat the skin and seeds, as well, as they offer their own holistic health benefits.
Skins are lower in sugar and higher in fiber than the tissue of a watermelon, Meyer-Jax says, “When eaten with the remainder of the melon, it dials back sugar absorption in the stomach and progresses the rise in glucose.” Watermelon skins also contain L-citrulline, which may diminish pulse and lift athletic performance.
Watermelon seeds, which can be eaten raw or dried, are wealthy in magnesium — which Derocha explains plays a critical job in energy creation, nerve capability, DNA and protein synthesis, as well as circulatory strain regulation. They also contain folate, which can help your risk for cancer and wretchedness. The seeds are great wellsprings of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which guard against heart attack and stroke and lower levels of bad cholesterol in the blood.