Mastering the Art of Fried Rice A Delightful Culinary Journey

Fried Rice

Fried rice is the ultimate leftover food. Not exclusively is it totally customizable with whatever additional protein and veggies you have in the ice chest, yet it’s crazy easy to make too. I realize that everyone has a soft spot in their heart for their favorite kind of fried rice, so this recipe is as classic as you can get, ideal for personalizing however you like. I may be biased, yet this fried rice is genuinely unbeatable — after 6 iterations, it’s my ideal, best-ever recipe. Continue to read down beneath the recipe for all of my top tips on how to consummate this takeout classic.


1 1/2 c. long-grain rice (preferably jasmine), or about 2 1/2 c. leftover rice
3 Tbsp. peanut or vegetable oil, separated
3 large eggs, beaten to mix
5 cloves garlic, grated or finely hacked
1 (1″) piece ginger, stripped, grated or finely hacked
4 scallions, white, pale green, and dark green parts separated, thinly cut
2 Tbsp. decreased sodium soy sauce
1 tsp. granulated sugar
1 tsp. legitimate salt
1/2 tsp. white pepper
1/4 tsp. MSG
1/3 c. frozen peas
1 Tbsp. unsalted spread, cut into pieces


Stage 1

Fill a large pot about halfway with water and bring to a bubble. Meanwhile, completely rinse rice in a strainer until water runs almost clear.

Stage 2

Cook rice in boiling water 3 minutes, then drain with a fine-network strainer that fits in pot. Crash pot, pour in about 2″ water, and bring to a stew. With rice in strainer, make a few divots in rice through to bottom of strainer with a chopstick or margarine blade.

Stage 3

Cover strainer with foil, then place in pot over simmering water. Place pot top over strainer; in the event that there’s a ton of steam escaping, wrap foil or a damp tea towel around edge of pot and strainer. (This can also be done in a bamboo steamer or a standard steaming arrangement that won’t allow the rice to fall through.)

Stage 4

Steam until rice is cooked through yet at the same time somewhat al dente, about 15 minutes; it ought to have a drier vibe than normal steamed rice. Spread onto a baking sheet and let cool to room temperature. Refrigerate until ready to utilize.

Stage 5

Heat a large wok or very much seasoned cast-iron skillet over high heat. Pour in 1 tablespoon oil and twirl wok to coat. Once oil is shimmering, add eggs and cook, breaking up into small pieces, until cooked through yet not browning, about 1 minute. Transfer to a plate. Clear out wok.

Stage 6

In same wok over high heat, twirl remaining 2 tablespoons oil. Cook garlic and ginger, tossing constantly, until fragrant and garlic begins to brown, about 30 seconds. Add white and pale green scallion parts and cook, tossing constantly, until softened, about 1 minute. Add rice and immediately toss to combine. Broil rice, stirring constantly, until no bunches remain and you begin to hear some light popping sounds from the rice toasting, 2 to 3 minutes.

Stage 7

Add soy sauce, granulated sugar, salt, pepper, and MSG and cook, tossing constantly, until soy sauce is absorbed, about 1 minute. Add eggs, peas, and dark green scallion parts and cook, tossing constantly, until warmed through and incorporated, about 2 minutes more. Add spread and cook, tossing, until liquefied, about 30 seconds more.

How To Make Fried Rice


• Rice: Everyone knows that leftover rice (preferably long-grain jasmine, however any long-grain white rice will work) is the best while making fried rice, yet what on the off chance that you don’t have any? Here, I’ve included the technique utilized by restaurants to get that ideal, somewhat dried-out rice without having to wait a day. The YouTube channel Chinese Cooking Demystified is one of my favorite places to go for all my Chinese culinary questions. The technique that its hosts Steph and Chris use to par-bubble then steam the rice is borderline miraculous in the outcomes you get. The Delish kitchen team was stunned at the consistent surface you get with the rice, and I most definitely won’t cook my rice any other way going forward.
• Oil: Pick an oil with a high-smoke point, and don’t be afraid to utilize a great deal of oil — this is fried rice after all.
• Eggs: I utilize 3 large eggs in this recipe. I like to have a few white streaks in my eggs, so I barely beat them together.
• Garlic: I like my fried rice very garlicky, so I utilize 5 cloves. You can take it back assuming you want, however honestly, I don’t recommend it — the more garlic, the better.
• Ginger: About an inch of ginger, minced tiny, goes with the garlic before adding in our veggies.
• Scallions: While chopping your scallions, separate the whites and the greens. The green we’ll use as a garnish, and the white we’ll cook with.
• Soy Sauce: The main thing you’ll see about this recipe is that soy sauce is included. While to some, this probably won’t be super-traditional in fried rice, a ton of American eaters (and Delish taste analyzers) favor it! Because there is no meat or seafood in this fried rice, after some testing, I felt it added some extra body and umami to the rice that is totally delightful. I propose using low-sodium soy sauce so you can control the salt amount.
• Sugar: I accept that all savory dishes ought to be finished off with a touch of sugar in the event that there is definitely not a natural wellspring of pleasantness in it. It assists with rounding out the dish and give a more complicated flavor.
• White Pepper: White pepper is underutilized beyond fancier kitchens, yet it merits buying if possible. Honestly, it’s one of my favorite things about this recipe; at home, I’ll add much more. It’s earthy, and has to a lesser extent a kick than black pepper.
• MSG: MSG adds the ideal sweet-salty lift to fried rice. It’s a generally misunderstood ingredient — checkout this article all about MSG in the event that you’re looking to learn more.
• Peas: I personally love peas in fried rice, and find it’s a common addition in many American versions. Don’t stress over using frozen peas, they won’t emanate too much dampness to the rice.
• Spread: Using margarine is a piece controversial, yet it adds a wonderful lavishness, and a tiny amount makes an enormous difference. If you really don’t want to utilize it, you can overlook it.

Step-By-Step Instructions to make fried Rice

Leftover rice turns out impeccably for fried rice, so in the event that you have some hanging out in your ice chest, use it here. Yet, in the event that you don’t have any, won’t ever fear: I’ve tracked down a 2-step strategy to make newly cooked rice absolutely ideal for fried rice. The initial step of making any rice dish is to adequately clean your rice. Certain individuals like to do this in the pot they’re going to cook their rice in, however I like to utilize a cross section strainer. Rinse the rice — moving around the grains often — until the water confesses all.

Once your rice is ready, you’re going to par-heat up the rice for only a few minutes. This will assist with jumpstarting the cooking system, breaking down the exterior of the grains of rice.

Once you strain the rice, we’re ready to make an unrehearsed steamer with a pot and a strainer that fits inside of it. In the first place, add a water to the bottom of the pot, then put the strainer loaded up with your rinsed rice in it. Then, you’re going to want to create a few openings in the rice with chopsticks to allow steam to circulate.

After making your openings, cover the pot with tin foil; it doesn’t have to be totally cozy, however it ought to be very much risen. Then, cover with the pot top and let it steam. Steaming the rice is a gentler cooking process that keeps the grains pretty dry and adds less dampness to the rice, which is what we’re looking for.

After about 15 minutes, keep an eye on your rice: It ought to almost taste al-dente. What I mean by this is that it ought to be completely cooked through, yet ought to taste drier than normal steamed rice. Once it’s ready, I like to spread my rice on a sheet pan. This is a touch of needless excess, yet it will assist your rice with cooling down more rapidly (and that means fried rice faster!).

Now that our rice is ready, we should zero in on bringing everything together. A wok is the most traditional way to cook fried rice, and it takes care of business especially well. The development and centralized heat are exceptionally useful, and its size holds a large amount of rice . However, in the event that you don’t have one, don’t let that stop you: I’ve made incredible fried rice in a cast iron skillet.

Barely beat the eggs together (assuming you favor a few whites in your egg) before adding to your wok. Once you add to the wok, move your eggs around rapidly, pressing in with a spatula to make those ideal fried rice egg squiggles. Once they’re ready, take them out, and give your wok a speedy wipe down. I suggest pre-cooking your eggs because assuming that they sit in the fried rice for awhile, they will get overcooked.

Then, now is the right time to add your oil. Don’t be bashful here: This is fried rice after all, so add to the point of coating all of the grains in the oil. Add in your ginger and garlic: This will assist with flavoring the oil which will transfer to your whole dish. Then, add the green onions and cook until softened, flipping and stirring much of the time to forestall any burning.

Add all of your rice, tossing and stirring it constantly (I mean it!). You ought to see the grains start to become individual, which is the indication of a great fried rice. Once you see that the rice is separating, now is the right time to add your seasonings and soy sauce.

Once your rice is perfectly seasoned and separated, it’s time to add in your eggs and peas. Toss everything together, and serve once everything is well combined.

Finish with the green onion garnish, and get ready to dig into this takeout classic.

About Cerekarama

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