Deliciously Simple Baked Chicken Meatballs Recipe

Baked Chicken Meatballs

These are the most simple and adaptable baked chicken meatballs. You can make them quickly, for any event. It’s what we get back to a pocket recipe!

Odds are you’ve had pork, hamburger, and even turkey meatballs, yet shouldn’t something be said about chicken? Ground chicken gives a light, delicate base for meatballs that promptly takes on flavors. For this recipe, the meatballs are enhanced basically with garlic, parsley, and Parmesan, then, at that point, baked until succulent and gently seared.

Chicken meatballs are delightful presented with spaghetti thrown in marinara or pesto sauce. Dunk them in grill sauce for a delicious canapé or drop them into an Italian wedding soup. Go for all out solace with red sauce and dissolved mozzarella cheddar stuffed in a dried up roll. They’re so adaptable, speedy and simple to make, and incredible for feast arranging.


  • Nonstick cooking shower or 2 teaspoons olive oil
  • 1 pound ground chicken (ideally with 5% or more fat)
  • 1/2 cup plain breadcrumbs
  • 1/4 cup finely ground Parmesan or Romano cheddar
  • 3 tablespoons milk (any sort)
  • 3 tablespoons finely slashed new parsley, approximately stuffed
  • 2 cloves garlic, ground
  • 1 enormous egg, daintily beaten
  • 1/2 teaspoon fit salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon newly ground dark pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon squashed red pepper drops, discretionary


1.Preheat the broiler to 425°F.

Line an enormous, rimmed baking sheet with material paper and splash it gently with cooking shower or daintily brush with 1 teaspoon of olive oil.

2.Make the chicken mixture:

In a huge bowl, consolidate the ground chicken, breadcrumbs, Parmesan, milk, parsley, garlic, egg, salt, dark pepper, and red pepper chips, if utilizing. Utilize clean hands to tenderly blend until consolidated. Stop when the fixings are equitably disseminated and be mindful so as not to over-blend since this will make the meatballs hard.

3.Shape the meatballs:

Utilize your fingers to squeeze off sufficient mixture to make a 1-inch meatball. Utilize the center of your hands to tenderly fold it into a ball, being mindful so as to pack the mixture as little as could really be expected. This will assist with keeping the meatballs light.

Put the meatball on the pre-arranged baking sheet and rehash with the excess mixture. Space the meatballs equally on the baking sheet with the goal that they don’t contact. You ought to have around 24 meatballs.

Shower the tops softly with cooking splash or brush them gently with the leftover 1 teaspoon olive oil

4.Bake the meatballs:

Bake the meatballs until they are cooked through and carmelized on the last, 10 to 14 minutes. Slice through one to test. It ought to as of now not be pink inside. You can likewise embed a moment read thermometer into the focal point of a meatball. It ought to enroll somewhere around 165°F.

Be mindful so as not to overcook so the meatballs don’t dry out. The highest points of the meatballs don’t brown a lot of in the broiler.


Partake in the meatballs with no guarantees, match them with your number one sauce, add them to a soup, or use them to fill a sandwich.

Extra meatballs will save for 4 days in the cooler. Warm them in the microwave, in a 350°F stove for 10 to 15 minutes, or in a skillet over medium intensity for 5 to 10 minutes, turning frequently. Or on the other hand essentially add them to a pot of hot stock or sauce until warmed through.


The Best Ground Chicken for Meatballs

For the juiciest meatballs, stay away from ground chicken that is excessively incline since it will in general dry out more rapidly. Avoid ground chicken bosom. Go for the gold of white and dim meat that is 5% or higher in fat.

Some supermarkets may just stock ground chicken that is 96% lean or more — that is completely fine. Watch out for the meatballs as they prepare with the goal that they don’t overcook and dry out. On the other hand, you can utilize a fattier ground turkey all things considered.

No Oven? Pan Fry Instead

  • 1.I heat these meatballs so it lets loose me to make different dishes as they cook in the broiler. Besides, you just need a little oil to prepare them — I simply use cooking splash on the baking sheet and a little spritz on top of the meatballs. At the point when baked, the meatballs don’t get brilliant brown on top, yet they’re as yet flavorful.
  • 2.Try not to have a broiler or need a pleasant earthy colored covering on your meatballs? Sauté them on the stovetop:
  • 3.Heat 1 tablespoon olive oil in an enormous nonstick skillet over medium intensity.
    Once hot, add the meatballs in a solitary layer. You might have to cook them in bunches on the off chance that they don’t fit without covering.
    Use utensils to turn them as they brown on the base until brilliant earthy colored all over and cooked through.

Tips for the Best Chicken Meatballs

While chicken meatballs are not difficult to make, there are a couple of stunts for ensuring they end up perfectly:

  • Try not to exhaust the combination. Utilize your hands to join the meatball combination, it is uniformly dispersed to ensure everything. Take care not to blend or crush the combination forcefully. This will assist with holding the meatballs back from becoming extreme.
  • Delicately structure the meatballs. Roll the meatballs between the center of your hands, however don’t conservative them into tight little balls. All things being equal, tenderly and gently cajole them until they keep intact so they stay cushy when cooked.
  • Make extra! This recipe is not difficult to twofold for a group or for feast prep. There are such countless ways of serving these meatballs, so it won’t feel like you’re having a similar dinner two times.

Other Varieties to Try

Utilize this recipe as a guide to get you to an entirely different flavor profile! Add the new fixings into the meatball combination and continue with the recipe.

  • Ginger scallion: Overlook the Parmesan and parsley. Add 2 teaspoons ground new ginger, 1/4 cup finely cleaved scallions, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, and 1 teaspoon sesame oil.
  • Lemon spice: Diminish the parsley to 2 tablespoons. Add 1 tablespoon new lemon juice, 1 teaspoon finely ground lemon zing, 2 tablespoons minced chives, 1 teaspoon slashed new thyme leaves or 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme, and 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano.
  • Flavored curry: Overlook the Parmesan, parsley, and milk. Add 1 teaspoon ground new ginger, 2 teaspoons curry powder, 2 tablespoons plain yogurt, and 2 tablespoons finely cleaved cilantro.

Or on the other hand amp up the meatballs with additional messiness, greens, or flavor:

  • More cheddar: Cut a wad of mozzarella into 1/3-inch 3D shapes. Fabricate the meatball around the piece of mozzarella, encasing it in the middle. You’ll wind up with a couple of additional meatballs since you are dislodging a portion of the meat blend with cheddar. At the point when baked, the gooey cheddar will overflow out.
  • Spinach: Add frozen spinach for a sprinkle of variety and some nourishment. Defrost 8 ounces of frozen hacked spinach and press it dry. Add it to the meatball blend and exclude the milk.
    More flavor: Amount to 2 teaspoons of Calabrian stew glue or twofold the squashed red pepper drops.

Step by step instructions to Prepare

The uncooked meatball blend can be put away in the refrigerator for as long as 12 hours. Firmly cover the bowl with saran wrap and refrigerate it. You could likewise move the meatballs and store them uncooked in a water/air proof compartment or straightforwardly on the baking sheet assuming it fits in your ice chest.

Step by step instructions to Freeze Meatballs

Chicken meatballs freeze well. Structure the meatballs and put them on a lined baking sheet or a more modest plate that will fit in your cooler. Freeze them for around 2 hours. Once frozen hard, move them into a zip top cooler sack, push out the air, and firmly seal it. The meatballs will save in the cooler for a very long time.

Defrost the frozen meatballs in the cooler short-term prior to warming or add the frozen meatballs straightforwardly into the hot stock or sauce on the burner until warmed through, assuming that is the way you’re serving it in. Ensure the stock or sauce is hot however not bubbling since the progress from stuck to high intensity might leave the meatballs hot outwardly nevertheless frozen within.


Tips for Serving Chicken Meatballs

These meatballs are straightforward and awesome all alone. They’re surprisingly better with a flavorful sauce. The meatballs can be added straightforwardly to a pot of stewing sauce to cover them completely. On the off chance that you have additional meatballs, you can drop them into soup or a pleasant stock, as well!

About Cerekarama

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