Delightful Tanginess Exploring the Tradition of Aam Ka Achar (Mango Pickle)

 Aam Ka Achar

Fiery, sweet, and harsh this custom made Mango Pickle Otherwise known as Aam Ka Achar is a must-attempt Indian topping. Made with tart unripe green mangoes, flavors, and oil this pickle lifts the least difficult of the dinners like dal-rice, curd rice, and khichdi and furthermore has a unique spot in the intricate thalis.

Family Treasure Recipe

Very eager to share another of Mother’s recipes that I grew up eating – Ambat Urge Lonche in Marathi which in a real sense means harsh sweet pickle! Furthermore, assuming you understand what I’m referring to I bet you are now salivating!

Experiencing childhood in India, making Achar(pickle) it was a custom to during summer. Unripe green mangoes were purchased by handfuls, dunked in pails of water, and afterward painstakingly cut with an extraordinary shaper known as “Adkitta”. The mango pieces were then flavored with turmeric and permitted to dry a piece to keep the pickles from getting soft and on second thought have a pleasant nibble to them.

Hot, energetic red pickle masala was ready with split yellow mustard seeds, bean stew powder, and salt and afterward added to the mango alongside bunches of oil which aided protect the pickles for the entire year. Extraordinary earthy colored fired pickling containers were completely cleaned and dried prior to putting away the pickle in them.

Dissimilar to any Moment Pickle, this customary Indian Mango Pickle Recipe takes time and persistence which brings about the best flavor, surface, and furthermore longer timeframe of realistic usability.


Unripe mangoes – accessible in Indian supermarkets, pick green unripe mangoes that are extremely firm.
Flavors – mustard seeds, hing, ground turmeric powder, and salt.
Pickle Masala – Mother utilizes K-Pra pickle masala. There are a couple of different brands, for example, Profound pickle masala or Rani pickle masala. What’s more, if you need to make custom made pickle masala, I’m sharing it in the recipe card notes.
Jaggery – adds an ideal pleasantness to adjust the harsh mangoes and is accessible in Indian supermarkets
Oil – any impartial oil works. You can likewise utilize sesame oil or mustard oil assuming you like

Step by step instructions to Make Mango Pickle

Utilizing a sharp culinary specialist’s blade cut mangoes into half. Then, at that point, cut every half into 1-inch 3D squares alongside the hard inside pit. Dispose of the deepest seed that will drop out.

Add the slice mango parts of a bowl and sprinkle salt and turmeric. Blend well and keep covered for the time being. This helps eliminate some acridity from the mango pieces and helps discharge any abundance dampness. Turmeric makes the pieces firm keeping the mango from getting delicate so the pickle has a decent nibble to it. Antibacterial property assists with time span of usability.

The next morning, empty the mango pieces into a sifter to deplete all the water.
Keep the depleted mangoes in a solitary layer on an old kitchen towel for 8 hours to dry out the overabundance fluids. This step will additionally build the time span of usability. Simply make sure to utilize an old kitchen towel as it will get stained from the turmeric and you will most likely wind up disposing of the towel.

Heat oil in a medium skillet. Add mustard seeds and permit them to pop. Add asafetida. Switch the intensity off and permit the oil to totally cool. Add jaggery to the oil and give a speedy mix.

Add mango parts of the oil alongside the pickle masala and salt. Blend well.

Utilizing dispensable gloves add the pickles to a spotless and dry glass container, squeezing the pickle solidly inside the container.
Cover the pickle container with a cheesecloth or paper towel and secure it with an elastic band. Keep for the time being. Keep in a breezy spot. By morning a portion of the overabundance oil will begin to ascend to the top. Blend well once more and keep covered with the cheesecloth. Rehash this step for 3 to 4 days

Pickle will be prepared to appreciate in 3 days. You can then utilize the container top to close firmly and keep it in a cool dry spot. I suggest refrigerating the container which will have a time span of usability of 1 year.


Drying mango subsequent to emptying out the turmeric salt water will expand the time span of usability of the pickle. At the point when the dampness is totally eliminated the pickle remains great at room temperature for an entire year.
In the event that you like more pickle masala to appreciate with rice, khichdi or chapatis add the whole bundle of pickle masala and an extra ¼ cup of oil.


Mango Pickle coordinates well with Dal and Rice or Khichdi. Serve it alongside Roti or Parathas close by your #1 Indian curry. I particularly love mango pickles matched with potato masala, bhindi masala, cabbage sautéed food, and green beans curry.

Pickles are likewise incredible served close by methi thepla, kale parathas, aloo paratha, or paneer paratha for breakfast or lunch.

The most effective method to Store Mango Pickle

Store the mango pickle in a cool and dry spot. I suggest refrigerating it in a hermetically sealed holder. Try to utilize a spotless and dry spoon to take out the pickle and tenderly blend it like clockwork ensuring the oil is covering all the mango pieces equitably


Hand crafted Pickle Masala – Don’t have premade pickle masala, make it at home with these simple tasks. To make pickle masala delicately cook ⅓ cup of parted yellow mustard seeds and 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds. Cool down and drudgery to a powder. Add ⅓ cup of gentle Kashmiri red bean stew powder or utilize less assuming utilizing more sweltering bean stew powder.
Blended Vegetable Pickle – Here is the greatest tip from Mother. You can utilize this recipe to make pickles of any vegetable like green bean stew, carrot, lemon, gooseberry, or cauliflower. You can likewise utilize a blend of these vegetables and follow similar advances. This will remain very much refrigerated for as long as a month.
Moment Mango Pickle – Don’t have sharp blades to cut the hard unripe mangoes? You can strip mangoes, disposing of the strip. Then shred the mango and apply turmeric and salt. Press out every one of the fluids and avoid the drying on the kitchen towel step. Follow the excess recipe. Right now mango pickle can be appreciated immediately. Refrigerate for as long as multi month. You can likewise make this kind of Moment destroyed pickle with carrots and turmeric as well.
Skip Sugar – Despite the fact that jaggery adds a sprinkle of sweet flavor however can be discretionary in the event that you are watching your sugar.



About Cerekarama

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